All posts in Video

21 Posts

Spot the war!

Ok, as first post on this new blog of mine I decided to show a very old video I shot while I was attending film school in Rome, it must’ve been 2002 (ten years already!). It was shot with a low end interlaced DV consumer camera, which was all we could get. At the time we were lucky enough to shoot 35mm film only at school, but the school itself was not going to pay for some student project, so all we could land was that cheap number. The video is very bare with no sound, but somehow I’m fond of it. It’s quite frightening that it still makes a lot of sense: in ten years not many things have changed (nor they had in many hundreds of years actually). It can be oil or something else but wars are usually fought for something that it’s sadly most often not freedom for the people involved. We still managed to shoot it within the school’s sound stage during a lunch break, stealing some white wall interior bits from a previous scene built there for the yearly year-end short films as well as scramble an oil barrel from the nearest petrol station where we would usually top up our cars’ tanks once a week, and finally fake blood of course. The light must’ve been some 2K tungsten fresnel from top back with the fill given by the bounce on the white linoleum base underneath the barrel.